
We specialize in personal injury law at the Arthofer & Tonkin Law Offices. We also specialize in fighting for the little guy. I want to talk to you about what you’re up against when you claim personal injuries, and you’ve got a large insurance company on the other side. A quick internet search will reveal that many of the insurance companies in the United States are among the most valuable companies on the planet. They regularly rank in the Forbes Fortune 500 and even the Forbes Fortune 100 as the most valuable companies in the United States. So that’s what you’re up against. It’s not a fair fight. And, as I said, we specialize in representing the little guy.

So let me talk to you about a case example today that illustrates what our clients were up against. Our clients were the proverbial little old lady and little old man, a lovely couple from Northern California. They were involved in an automobile accident. It wasn’t the most serious of accidents, but given their age, they sustained some significant and painful injuries. The insurance company looked at the vehicle damage and the amount of treatment that our clients got, as well as their age, and they contested that our clients couldn’t have possibly been hurt in an accident like this. But we took the insurance company to task and fought for our clients. The initial insurance company offers to our clients were less than a third of what we ultimately resolved their case for. It required litigation. We must file a lawsuit and battle it with the insurance company lawyer in court. But we did that for our clients because it was the right thing to do, and they were fairly compensated for what they had been through.

Don’t let yourself be taken advantage of. Arthofer & Tonkin Law Offices is here to help tackle any personal injury case you might have against one of these large insurance companies - and it’s free! Give us a call today for a consultation, so we can evaluate your claim and find the most beneficial outcome for you.

Contact us. We'll be glad to help you.

At Arthofer & Tonkin Law Offices, we are dedicated to providing our clients with compassionate and experienced representation.

Making sure you receive proper compensation can be challenging and overwhelming after an accident, and we are here to help. Our law firm can provide you with the best personal injury attorney in Redding, California. Contact us now.

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Serving Redding, California, and Beyond.

We at Arthofer & Tonkin Law Offices offer our services to those in Redding, Northern California, and all of California.

We are dedicated to providing quality legal services to our clients and helping them through difficult times. If you aren’t sure if your case falls within our service area, don’t hesitate to reach out. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and see how we can help.

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