
I’m Griff Tonkin. I’m a personal injury lawyer and a partner here at the Arthofer and Tonkin Law Offices. One of my jobs is to help my clients who’ve been injured through the fault and negligence of others to obtain appropriate compensation for their injuries. Injuries can be everything from their medical bills for physical injuries, set-asides for future medical needs, wage loss, both past and in the future. Now I want to talk to you today about resolving a personal injury claim. You’ve come to our website and found this video, which means you have some questions. So let me answer some of your questions about what happens at the end of a personal injury claim or lawsuit. The justice system could be better. I can’t give you back, no matter how well I do for you, what was taken from you. I can’t just get you safely to your destination.

I can’t have taken away those injuries. So if I do a good job for you, I obtain appropriate compensation in the form of money. At the end of your case, there will be people with their hands out, wanting to get some of their money back. For example, the government provides your insurance company or your health insurance through their partnership, medical or Medicare programs. They want their money back. Very important service that you need to make sure your personal injury attorney is well-versed in and excellent at is lien reductions. Let me give you an example from a recent case. A client of mine was injured terribly when he was driven off the freeway by a negligent driver. His vehicle came to rest in an adjacent ditch, and his injuries were life-threatening. He survived and made a remarkable recovery, which is a testament to his amazing character and strong physical constitution.

Unfortunately, the driver who caused the accident did not have significant insurance to appropriately compensate my client for his devastating injuries. They were paid for by his Medicare coverage, which he paid faithfully during his work life. Unfortunately, Medicare had a lien against the resolution of his case. Medicare sought to recover 100% of the settlement dollars, leaving him with nothing to compensate him for what he’d been through or what he was going to need in the future. We vigorously appealed and then appealed the Medicare decision again. Ultimately, we were able to get Medicare to waive their lien. This meant there was significant compensation from my client to help pay for very practical things like modifications to his home due to mobility limitations. If you’ve been injured in an accident, you need to work with an attorney who can take your case from A-Z, including making sure there’s maximum dollars left for you at the end of your personal injury, claim or litigation. Our consultations at the Arthofer and Tonkin Law Offices are free. Give us a call today.

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At Arthofer & Tonkin Law Offices, we are dedicated to providing our clients with compassionate and experienced representation.

Making sure you receive proper compensation can be challenging and overwhelming after an accident, and we are here to help. Our law firm can provide you with the best personal injury attorney in Redding, California. Contact us now.

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We at Arthofer & Tonkin Law Offices offer our services to those in Redding, Northern California, and all of California.

We are dedicated to providing quality legal services to our clients and helping them through difficult times. If you aren’t sure if your case falls within our service area, don’t hesitate to reach out. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and see how we can help.

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